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Tag: loss prevention certifications

Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: October 2017

Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
drug diversion

Drug Diversion: Preventing Retail Pharmacy Theft

As loss prevention professionals, we are all familiar with the nuts and bolts of running an investigation for a concealed shortage, cash register shortage,...
loss prevention research council, loss prevention strategies

How to Win with Your Loss Prevention Strategies

Regardless of what your company sells, where you sell it, or your total store count, you as a loss prevention or asset protection professional...
closed circuit security cameras

Closed Circuit Security Cameras

Closed circuit television, or CCTV, is a television transmission system that is applied with the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to...
access control definition

An Access Control Definition for AP

What do you know about access control? Vague ideas about authorization, authentication, locks, and keys may come to mind. The truth is, identifying an...

Securing Your Business Is Hard–Let Detex Help

Business owners understand the need to protect their inventory, customers, employees, and facilities. Today, more than ever, that need is as important as the business itself. Especially as burglaries and break-ins are on the rise.
hurricane disaster

Retailers Respond with Major Rescue Efforts in the Wake of the Hurricane Disaster

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season has been a disastrous one. Hurricane Harvey slammed into Texas as a Category 4 storm on August 24. One...
retail loss prevention solutions

Should I Remove that Old Legacy Tech from My Stores?

As we march closer to 2020, a few common themes have emerged among the research questions that the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) receives...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Room Distractions

In this week’s WZ / IAI interview and interrogation training tip, Dave Thompson, CFI, discusses the importance of preparation for an interview—specifically in regards...

IAI Partners with RLPSA to Deliver a Unique Webinar Series

The International Association of Interviewers (IAI) is proud to announce its partnership with the Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security Association (RLPSA). As a result...
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