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Tag: loss prevention policy and procedures

Helping LP Move at the Speed of Business

Sponsored by NRF PROTECT Shelley Row has performed extensive research on executive leadership, including conducting 77 in-depth interviews with top executives. What she discovered was...

Growth, Progress, and Reinvention: Asset Protection at Canadian Retailer Mark’s

Mark's is a retail chain that has succeeded in rebranding itself, amazingly, without alienating its original core customer base. It has achieved an impressive...

2016 RILA Asset Protection Conference Recap Day 3

Leading off the final day of the RILA Asset Protection Conference was a General Session titled “Bigger, Faster, Weirder: What You Need To Know...

Latest Release of victor Video Management System Offers Greater Efficiency and Speed

Tyco Security Products has introduced the 4.8.1 version of American Dynamics victor Video Management System (VMS) and VideoEdge intelligent network video recorders (NVR), which...

Day 2 of the 2016 RILA Asset Protection Conference

The energy level remained high at Day Two of the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Asset Protection Conference at the Gaylord Texan in Dallas,...

EyeOnLP: RILA AP 2016 Conference Video Update Day 2

Coverage of day two of the 2016 Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Asset Protection Conference by the EyeOnLP video team provides a summary of activities from University of Texas student projects to innovation awards to a peek at next year’s conference.

Watch Emerging Trends to Plan for the Future

Nobody can predict the future. We can look backward and at the present. We can hear about and see certain things that are already...

Sysrepublic Acquired by Appriss, Further Enhances Efforts to Fight Retail Fraud, Protect Profits, and...

Appriss Inc., a leading provider of data, risk assessment and analytic solutions for government, health care, and retail industries, has acquired Sysrepublic, a global...

The Shipman Group: Looking to Reduce Shrink and Exposure for Your Company?

The Shipman Group LLC is a group of professional practitioners specializing in Loss Prevention/Asset Protection, Profit Enhancement, Crisis Management, Emergency Management, Premise Liability and Reputational Risk issues.

Profitect: Research Indicates Prescriptive Analytics is Replacing Exception-Based Reporting (EBR)

More and more leading retailers are replacing their EBR tools with Profitect for Loss Prevention. Profitect’s prescriptive analytics adds real intelligence and execution to EBR. Many claims have been made, but only one can deliver on the promise. Visit Booth #618 to learn more.
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