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Tag: loss prevention policy and procedures

Emerging Trends in Loss Prevention

Emerging Trends in Loss Prevention

A Short History of Loss Prevention In the sixties, retailers called the departments that were engaged to impact loss security. Many of the practitioners in...
What’s Ahead in Technology in 2003?

Whats Ahead in Technology in 2003?

In the mid- to late-1990s, great strides in computer and telecommunications technology gave rise to an array of cutting-edge security solutions in all areas...

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Corporate Fraud Investigations

Sidney Green Street was not the most famous detective on the silver screen. Humphrey Bogart was. It is famous portrayals in popular movies, television,...
Target Investigations Hits the Bull’s Eye on Crime

Target Investigations Hits the Bulls Eye on Crime

Something was amiss at the Target stores in Atlanta. Small, high-ticket items such as razors and film were disappearing from store shelves at an...
Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Over the past two years, several specialty retailers including Stride Rite, Wilsons Leather, and Fredrick’s of Hollywood have made the decision to outsource their...
what is rfid solutions

Integrating Technology into the Loss Prevention Enterprise

Why should we, as loss prevention practitioners, consider modeling the loss prevention enterprise? After all, our job is to stop theft and other losses...

If You Don’t Ask, You May Not Find Out

Paul searched the local classifieds and found a job listing that piqued his interest. He called the special number and had a favorable five-minute...
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