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Top LPM Podcasts of 2021

One thing the LPM team is particularly proud of coming out of 2021 is our podcast. Throughout the year, we published 24 episodes, totaling 916 minutes of content. And, thanks to our loyal listeners, those podcasts were downloaded a total of 12,864 times.

And this is just the start—we’ve already published podcasts in the new year (like this one with T-Mobile’s Jennifer Schaefer) and we are so excited about the great content we will be rolling in the months to come.

If you’ve yet to dive into our podcast library, consider starting with this round-up of the most popular LPM podcast episodes of 2021. From COVID-19 vaccines to organized retail crime, there’s something sure to interest anyone in the loss prevention industry.

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1. Solving Today’s LP Challenges and Understanding Tomorrow’s Shopper | Ep. 56

In the video management software world, companies face problems like tech debt and staying up to date with the latest technology for their systems. In our number one podcast of 2021, Padma Duvvuri from Dragonfruit AI and Grant Cowan with Salient explore how retailers can have a single interface for video to pull everything together and then layer on business intelligence with the cameras already in place to start understanding tomorrow’s evolving shopper.

2. The Team at LifeRaft Answers the Question: So What Do You Do? | Ep. 52

“So What Do You Do?” is a special series from LPM that is essentially like a virtual version of the conversation one would have at a trade show when they walk up to a new vendor and ask them to explain what they do. In this first edition, join LPM’s Kevin McMenimen and special co-host Rhett Asher, president of the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO), as they learn about LifeRaft and how the company provides actionable intelligence to protect people and assets.

3. Answers from the Experts on the COVID-19 Vaccines | Ep. 51

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In this presentation from the LPM Spring Fling virtual event in March 2021, experts with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provided the most current vaccine information available as well as addressed some of the more common questions and concerns regarding the pandemic response.

4. And This Is Why Ultra Beauty Partnered with Detective Analytics to Fight ORC | Ep. 44

In this episode of the “And This Is Why” podcast series, Lead ORC Manager Alaina Kring with Ulta Beauty explains why they chose Detective Analytics’ deep learning loss prevention platform to use as a tool across their enterprise to support their investigations and training in the fight against organized retail crime in their stores.

5. The Importance of Company Culture and Continuing Education with Big Lots’ Rob LaCommmare | Ep. 60

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In this episode of LPM’s 2Cents on 2Things podcast series, Kevin McMenimen sits down with Rob LaCommare, vice president of asset protection and safety at Big Lots. LaCommare discusses Big Lots’ culture of putting family first, and how the company also prioritizes its employees’ personal needs, both in and out of the workplace.

6. Pressured to “Do More with Less?” Add Prescriptive Analytics | Ep. 53

Countless loss prevention teams are feeling the pinch of “do more with less” initiatives from corporate. LP veteran Scott Pethuyne of Zebra Technologies has seen his fair share of these initiatives during his tenure as an LP professional. Ultimately what helped his budget-strapped team truly accelerate productivity and drive next-level results was a new analytics solution called prescriptive analytics.

7. And This Is Why Walgreens Partnered with ALTO to Address Shoplifting | Ep. 43

In this episode of the “And This Is Why” podcast series, Bill Inzeo, the senior director of strategic analytics systems and support for Walgreens, explains why Walgreens partnered with ALTO Alliance to implement a comprehensive solution that helped the company address shoplifting and organized retail crime in their stores.

8. Never Board Up Again with Innovative Glass Hardening Solutions | Ep. 54

Contending with an increase in rioting, smash-and-grab theft, and natural disasters, retailers have been forced to employ a strategy of board up, pull down, repeat. And the catastrophic costs from damages and downtime are detrimental. Here, James Beale, a leading expert in glazing security solutions, discuss how to avoid all this.

9. Bridging the Gap Between Brick-and-Mortar and eCommerce | Ep. 57

In this first edition of LPM’s “What’s Cooking” podcast series, we hear from Nathan Smith, senior vice president of product strategy for Appriss Retail, about how they are using data mining and artificial intelligence to help retailers cope with the significant increase in omni-channel business due to the pandemic to minimize the increasing costs of online fulfillment as well as fraud, while improving the customer experience.

10. Work-Life Balance and Building Integrity with ThinkLP’s Rhett Asher | Ep. 58

Rhett Asher, vice president of strategy for ThinkLP and president of the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO), discusses how he was able to remain constantly involved with his children and family despite his professional career, and how that translated into mentoring those who work around him to ensure they maintain and promote their own work-life balance.

You can listen to these and other LPM podcasts on our site, or from your favorite podcast platform.

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