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Tag: pos management


Through the Eyes of the Guest – Asset Protection at Gordmans

Successful asset protection and store security programs are never “tone deaf.” This means that the most effective programs are shaped, managed, and refined over time to reflect...

12 Months Into Becoming World Class

Many loss prevention professionals begin their career in established departments where they are lured to the structured succession planning, continuing programs, and enduring policies. However,...

Managing LP by Managing Data

Movie Gallery is the second largest and fastest growing video rental retailer in the world. Starting with one store in Dothan, Alabama, in 1985, the...
What’s Ahead in Technology in 2003?

Whats Ahead in Technology in 2003?

In the mid- to late-1990s, great strides in computer and telecommunications technology gave rise to an array of cutting-edge security solutions in all areas...
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