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Tag: loss prevention technology

How to Improve Your Customer Conversion Rate

While declining store traffic continues to dominate the headlines and remains the reason most frequently cited for lackluster store performance, it’s only part of the story.

The Big Picture: Retail Video Today and What’s Coming Tomorrow

Visual information is no longer the only — and perhaps not even the primary — component of a video surveillance system. Images are still valuable, but it is the data inherent within them that provides for new applications and value. A camera is now a computer with a lens. Video once provided LP with extra eyes. Now it also offers brains.
rite aid asset protection

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Loss Prevention Technology Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers wanted to know more about Rite Aid's crowdsourcing investigations tool, the top (FREE) tools to help with social media investigations, and what it's like to find and buy EAS detachers online as a shoplifter, among other technology topics.
holiday shoplifting

The Busiest Shopping Days Are Here: Top Tips to Prevent Holiday Shoplifting

According to ShopperTrak's historical data, 45 percent of all holiday shopper traffic falls during the top ten busiest days, beginning on Black Friday and dispersed throughout the end of the year. The top ten busiest shopping days for 2018, as predicted by ShopperTrak, are listed here.
holiday loss prevention tips

Holiday Loss Prevention Tips: Make Sure You’re Ready for the Rush

During this critical time of year, every possible step that we can take to ensure a successful season must be planned and prepared, including our loss prevention plan.
what is sensor fusion

What is Sensor Fusion—and How Should Retail Use It?

“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” We’ve all heard some form of the “Duck Test” before. We use the folksy expression when we want to get to the heart of the matter and clearly describe something for what it is.
shoplifting crime

How Store Environments Affect Shoplifting Crime

Here’s how one shoplifter assesses risk. “First things first—you want to know if they got what you want. The second factor is the risk involvement. The risk involvement will be security times cameras times employees times space times [other] customers."
retail shrinkage rates

What’s Driving the Latest Retail Shrinkage Rates in the United States and Beyond?

How can US retail shrinkage rates be so high, when the United States ranks in the top five countries in terms of investment in loss prevention technology?

Deterring Determined Offenders

Okay, it's not just complicated; it's complex. At least that's the opinion expressed by some tweeters recently. The "Twitterland" consensus seemed to suggest controlling...
retail shrinkage rates

The Worldwide Impact of Shrink

In the United States and around the globe, shrink continues to be a challenge for retailers, especially as competition grows, profit margins constrict, and...
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