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Tag: asset protection

organized retail crime news

Organized Retail Crime News Updates 2018

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) proposed the term "organized retail crime" in the early 2000s. Since that time, the problem has only become...
RFID inventory control

Use Cases for RFID Inventory Control

A 2014 survey of 120 major retailers polled by Chain Link Research found improved inventory accuracy, which translated into reduced out-of-stock and better on-floor...

Where Do We Go from Here? In the Wake of a Legal Setback, One...

What should the retail industry and loss prevention pros make of a San Francisco court finding that Corrective Education Company’s (“CEC”) pre-charge “restorative justice” program is improperly coercive and amounts to blackmail?

ALTO US Partners with CAP Index to Solidify ALTO’s Supply Chain Risk Management Solution

ALTO US has recently partnered with CAP Index, Inc. to create a new offering to support dynamic in-transit monitoring capabilities into the end-to-end ALTO...

Mike Limauro, LPC Named Senior Director of Asset Protection at Whole Foods Market

Mike Limauro, LPC has been named senior director of asset protection at Austin-based Whole Foods Market. Limauro is the former vice president of the...
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