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Solutions Showcase


Time to Beef Up Security: The Basics of Break-In Prevention

Even a building that has not recently been subject to a threat can benefit from an occasional and objective review of its security parameters.

Deterring Violent Crime and Safeguarding Retail Associates with Body Cameras

With the threat of increased antisocial behavior and risk of being assaulted at an all-time high, making associates feel safer at work must become a top priority for retailers.

Having Trouble Getting the EAS and RFID Solutions You Need?

Whether your asset protection program requires AM, RF, RFID, or a combination of technologies, CONTROLTEK offers a comprehensive portfolio of EAS and RFID tags and systems to fit your needs.
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Leveraging Your VMS to Navigate the Retail Cyclone

Security technology remains a critical tool in the loss prevention professional’s toolbox and now more than ever, it’s imperative to fully leverage a video management system to mitigate these pressures.

A Layered Approach to Securing Retail Entrances Against Theft

There are several solutions that can help retailers secure the entrances and critical areas of their stores and help deter shoplifting and aggressive theft.

Checkpoint’s Alpha High-Theft Solutions

Alpha High-Theft Solutions produces millions of innovative retail security technologies each year from the manufacturing plant in Canton, Ohio.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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