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Unlock the Secret to Optimizing Your Security Budget

The retail industry is currently navigating through a storm of unprecedented shoplifting incidents. The term “shrink” has been echoed in earnings calls more than ever before, signaling a critical concern for major retailers. In its 2022 report, the National Retail Federation projected an industry-wide staggering $100 billion loss due to this surge in theft. This figure sent shockwaves through the industry and has significant implications for budgeting and financial planning. To make matters more dire, security experts predict that this will continue to increase, due to retail crime trends. Retailers are relying more and more on their security teams as preventing this shrinkage is paramount to business continuity, profitability, and even business survival.

In this challenging landscape, Pinkerton, a global provider of risk management services, offers an effective weapon to combat loss with its Pinkerton Crime Index (PCI). PCI goes beyond presenting raw data by empowering customers with actionable insights and predictive analytics. By leveraging AI, machine learning, advanced data-gathering techniques, and utilizing the advanced algorithms and statistical models embedded in PCI, you can forecast crime risk by identifying patterns, and detecting emerging trends with an impressive 90 percent accuracy. The latter helps proactively address and mitigate potential threats, complementing informed and strategic budgeting decisions. PCI is not solely a budgeting optimization tool—it can provide invaluable insights that can significantly enhance budget preparation processes and optimize resource allocation in the retail sector. Explore how PCI can empower your budgeting decisions and support proactive risk mitigation today.

Staying Ahead of the Game: Proactive Budgeting Allocation for Security Measures

In an era when staying ahead of potential risks is crucial, PCI is a powerful tool for proactive budget allocation. As companies and organizations determine their security budgets, the credibility, objectivity, and expertise associated with Pinkerton can confidently support the resource allocation decision-making process.

Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs: Timely Monthly Updates and Geographical Granularity

Risk management shouldn’t be a guessing game, and that’s why the Pinkerton Crime Index (PCI) understands the need for timely updates. This empowers you to make informed decisions—like allocating your budget where and when it matters most. Additionally, PCI offers precise geographical granularity, providing you access to crime data at various levels of detail. Whether you need county-wide statistics or data specific to a neighborhood, PCI has the capability to cater to your requirements accurately. Imagine having the power to compare your locations instantly and make data-driven choices for your company. With PCI and our My Locations feature, it becomes a reality.

In the example above, San Francisco retail locations closing soon (pale blue dots) or closed (dark blue dots) were plugged into the PCI dashboard. The chart is a heatmap depicting high crime risk locations in red, and low crime risk locations in green. We see a concentration of closures around the deep red area—representing higher property crime risk—while clearing the yellow central area representing lower property crime risk. This shows a correlation between the PCI higher property risk index and the store closures. Existing nearby stores may better assess their security expenditures to adapt and avoid their own closure, or if costs are high, decide on moving the location if more financially sound. In either case, this granular analysis leads to an unparalleled ease of implementation and budget allocation.

Clear Insights, Easy Implementation: Unbeatable Features for Effective Decision-Making

One of the key advantages of the Pinkerton Crime Index (PCI) is its user- friendly crime score depiction and visualizations. PCI takes complex crime data and presents it in a manner that is easy to understand. You can effortlessly digest and analyze crime patterns through intuitive charts and graphs. This accessibility is essential for companies and organizations seeking to implement effective security measures across numerous locations. Moreover, Pinkerton offers customization according to your unique requirements. You can obtain specific data subsets, customized reports, and even integrate PCI with your existing systems seamlessly. Still trying to figure out what that number means? Whether you need assistance in interpreting the data or analyzing trends, our team is ready to help.

The Pinkerton Crime Index (PCI) is an essential tool that enables you to build a security budget objectively and with confidence. Contact us at to unlock the power of the PCI and take your budget allocation into the future.


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