Interview with Mike Isch
Isch is vice president of sales for STANLEY Security based in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a member STANLEY’s senior leadership team...
While it's certainly the future, self-checkout is also a mature technology with persistent, unaddressed problems in need of a fresh fraud prevention approach. [Sponsored]
The stakes for retailers are immense. Because most misdemeanor crime is petty larceny, they are the principal victims when states raise felony thresholds to reduce incarceration. [Sponsored]
Retailers can not only have an impact but also, as the victim of the crime, be the driving force in the effort to address repeat offenses to improve safety throughout the community.
Not every solution needs to feed into the crime prevention arms race. An important foundation, say researchers and industry experts, is for retailers to assess whether their basic control policies and procedures might be inadvertently contributing to employee dishonesty.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.