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Tag: shoplifting

Corrective Education Company Announces Exclusive Partnership With D.A.R.E.

Restorative Justice Company Collaborates on D.A.R.E. to Make the Right Choices™ Curriculum Corrective Education Company has announced an official and exclusive partnership with D.A.R.E., and...
punishment for shoplifting

Retailers Estimate Shoplifting, Incidents of Fraud Cost $44 Billion in 2014 According to National...

NRF/University of Florida Survey Finds Shrinkage Totaled 1.38% of Sales Last Year Long Beach, California, June 24, 2015 – A new study being released from NRF...

It’s All About Context

What a wonderful thing to hear “I love you” from a longtime partner, but disquieting to have it said in the middle of a...
Employee suspected of Theft sweethearting

27th Annual Retail Theft Survey Reports Over 1.2 Million Shoplifters and Dishonest Employees are...

Over 1.2 million shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2014 by just 25 large retailers who recovered over $225 million from these thieves,...

New retail clothing security tag defeats all criminals… including ‘Britain’s Greatest Fraudster’

A London retailerIt spent 18 months collaborating with Swiss manufacturer Agon Systems over a new retail clothing security tag called The Concept Tag.

Retailers Association of Massachusetts Praises New Organized Retail Crime Law

The Massachusetts loss prevention community has a new set of tools in their fight against Organized Retail Crime thanks to a new law that...
RAM logo

Retailers Association of Massachusetts Praises New Organized Retail Crime Law

The Massachusetts loss prevention community has a new set of tools in their fight against Organized Retail Crime thanks to a new law that...
Shrinkage Control, in-store audit

Checkpoint Systems Introduces New Solutions for Food Retailers to Reduce Shrink

Checkpoint Systems, Inc, a global supplier of merchandise availability solutions for the retail industry, recently announced at the FMI Asset Protection Conference two solutions...

The Global Retail Theft Barometer

It probably comes as no surprise that shrink remains a significant operational challenge for retailers around the world. That's one top-line conclusion of the...
Broward County 1

Breaking News: Operation Holiday Steals Day-1

"Operation Holiday Steals," the first of its kind in South Florida, bringing together local, state and federal police kicked off in Broward County yesterday....
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