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Tag: shoplifting

NEXCOM: Managing a Truly Worldwide LP Organization

NEXCOM: Managing a Truly Worldwide LP Organization

EDITORS NOTE: Fritz Hirchert is director of loss prevention and safety, responsible for traditional loss prevention and safety functions for the U.S. Navys store...
Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Over the past two years, several specialty retailers including Stride Rite, Wilsons Leather, and Fredrick’s of Hollywood have made the decision to outsource their...
How EAS Source Tagging Rewrote Shrinkage History in the Music and Video Sector

How EAS Source Tagging Rewrote Shrinkage History in the Music and Video Sector

History repeats itself until history is rewritten. For decades, prerecorded music and video products have been prone to high shrinkage. Whether it was the...
organized theft

Organized Retail Theft

In Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens wrote about a group of youths from about 10 to 14 years of age who were formed into a...
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