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Tag: safety

The Retail Violence Epidemic Reaches New Heights

While employee retail safety has always been a priority, the recent increase in violent incidents has brought the issue front and center for LP leaders.

7-Eleven Storefront Crash Settlement Highlights Importance of Retail Security and Perimeter Security

On Feb. 6, a Chicago-area man received a record-breaking $91 million settlement from 7-Eleven after losing both his legs in an accidental crash outside one of the company’s stores in Bensenville, Illinois, in 2017.

Register Now for a New Webinar from the LPF and FifthTheory

Join the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and FifthTheory at 1 p.m. ET on January 26 for a free webinar about designing a strategic non-violent workplace culture.

Keeping Employees Safe in the Face of Rising Retail Crime

In addition to impacting revenue, the lesser discussed—but equally detrimental—consequence of rising retail crime is the heavy toll that it is taking on employees.

LPF and LVT Hosting Webinar on Parking Lot Interventions

Join LVT Head of Retail Go-to-Market Matt Kelley and Orion Santangelo, LPRC research scientist, for an in-depth look at ASB prevention and fear of crime reduction on Dec. 15 at 1 p.m. ET.
workplace fatigue

ON-DEMAND – Workplace Fatigue: Is Everyone Just Tired of Working?

Workplace fatigue and burnout is a real issue attributed to longer work hours and increased work demands for many workers across the country.

On-Demand: Learn about De-escalation and Other Important Retail Safety Issues

Don't miss seeing this webinar that addresses de-escalation technology and training and other important retail safety and security topics.

Confronting Safety and Security Risks in Transitional Times

Safety and security incidents that can damage a retailer’s reputation and dampen profits often result from change that outpaces the implementation of controls.

National Weather Service Monitoring Added to Connect ONE

Connected Technologies, maker of the Connect ONE cloud-hosted management interface, has added National Weather Service alert detection.

Brutal Breakroom Killing Underscores Need to Document Concerning Behaviors

Tragedy hit one of the nation’s largest pharmacy chain stores in June when a 28-year-old employee stacked bins in front of a breakroom security camera before allegedly killing a 17-year-old coworker,
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