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Tag: nrf

Jack Trlica signature

Finding Answers through Research

Research in the loss prevention industry is alive and well on both sides of the Atlantic. Several organizations are growing our body of knowledge...
Jim Lee Signature Image

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time many years ago when I was very young, ASIS announced a new certification program called the CPP, which stood for...

RESEARCH: Retail Theft and Loss Prevention Analytics

Who shoplifts? There is no typical profile of a shoplifter. Based on our experience of interviewing offenders, shoplifters can be male or female, of any race, as young as five or well into their seventies.
ORC statistics

Retailers Increasingly Worried about ORC Statistics

Despite retailers reporting worrisome and worsening ORC statistics, resources to fight it may be on the verge of stagnating. Only 40 percent said their companies are allocating more resources to fight ORC, down from about half of retailers that noted increased spending in both 2016 and 2015.
Confessions of a Forensic Interviewer

I Checked Out LPRC IMPACT and Here’s What I Learned

The first of October was another first for me. I attended the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) IMPACT conference for the first time, in muggy but beautiful Gainesville, FL.

2019 Swing for Certification Golf Tournament Hosted by the LPF to Precede NRF PROTECT

The 2019 Swing for Certification golf tournament is set for Monday, June 10, at Coyote Hills Golf Club in Fullerton, CA, preceding the NRF PROTECT conference June 11-13.

LPF Announces Bob MacLea Scholarship Recipients

It was with great excitement that the LPF was able to announce that, thanks to all of the sponsors and attendees of the golf tournament, the money was raised, and 50 scholarships would be awarded. But then, something even more marvelous happened.
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