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Tag: merchandising systems

EyeOnLP: LPM 15-Year Anniversary Meeting Recap

Last month, LP Magazine celebrated its 15th year anniversary during the magazine’s annual board meeting, which was held this year in Sanibel Island, Florida.
loss prevention team

Generational Differences on a Loss Prevention Team

The face of loss prevention has changed a lot since LP Magazine’s inception in 2001. What was once a male-dominated industry has slowly but...
hurricane disaster

Hurricane Impact—Disaster Recovery and Response by Retail LP

As news reports continue to emerge in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, it has become evident that the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina came...
loss prevention at Home Depot

Attendees Discuss Safety and Loss Prevention at Home Depot Supply Chain Conference

LP Magazine was pleased to be invited to attend the 2016 Home Depot Supply Chain conference held at the Store Support Center in Atlanta...
loss prevention investigator, signs of deception and lying

Who’s Telling the Truth? Tips for a Loss Prevention Investigator

Let’s consider the context under which an individual decides to lie. First and foremost is the deceptive individual’s fear of detection. The fear of...

Eruzione Offers Loss Prevention Career Advice: “Check Your Ego at the Door”

Last week at the LP Magazine annual meeting, Olympic legend Mike Eruzione offered a powerful message to the audience, and every one of us...
Crisis Management Plan, Crisis Leadership

Retailers with a Crisis Management Plan Can Effectively Manage Disruption

The political candidates currently vying for the US Presidency seem to disagree about the level of crime in the nation. Regardless of the actual...

LP Magazine Celebrates 15 Years with a Glimpse at the Past, But a Focus...

This past week LP Magazine celebrated its 15th year anniversary during the magazine’s annual board meeting, which was held this year in Sanibel Island,...

Loss Prevention Foundation Celebrates 10 Years at Fall Board Meeting

The Loss Prevention Foundation’s Fall Board of Directors meeting held in Sanibel Island, Florida on Thursday took some time out of the day’s busy...

Police Superintendent-in-Chief Sends Powerful Message to LP Magazine Audience

“I’m proud to have you as part of my family. “ That was the tone and the message shared by Superintendent-in-Chief William Gross of the...
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