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Tag: lp magazine

Footprints and Flea Markets

Every living person generates signals, signatures, and noise, if you will. As we move through time and space, we shed DNA, talk on phones,...

Smart People Say Smart Things

In every issue of the print magazine since 2001a and now in our digital magazine LPM Onlinea we have conducted an executive interview with...

Controlling Shrink by Monitoring Sales-Reducing Activities (Appriss Retail)

Loss prevention departments have, for some time, successfully examined risk flags within point-of-sale (POS) transactions to identify exceptions that may indicate theft or loss....
workplace health and safety

Workplace Health and Safety: Dispelling the Myths

As a young boy, my dreams didn’t include wanting to be a workplace health and safety professional. In fact, I probably wasn’t alone in...

LP and Corporate Security at Dunkin’ Brands: What Actually Happens

Dunkin' Brands is the holding company for two US fast-food chain restaurants: Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin-Robbins. Although these brands originated in the mid-20th century...

A New LINK between Technology and Interview and Interrogation Training

To really consider yourself a professional and a craftsman at any skill, practice is a must. We benefit from practice by applying knowledge through...
video surveillance system

3 Steps to Developing Your Video Surveillance System

A September 2015 survey of retailers about the current and future usage of video in their stores revealed some major frustrations and challenges. Although...
jobs in loss prevention

How to Land Jobs in Loss Prevention

Whether you’re starting a new career or just getting out of school, your search for jobs in loss prevention might be more successful if...
risk resilience

Why the Global Retail Sector Must Have a True Risk Resilience Strategy

Global risks, both man-made and natural, are an inevitable companion of and byproduct to today's constant global change. The retail environment is far from...

Your Opinion Requested: What Are the Skills Needed for the Next Generation of LP...

It is not news that the role of loss prevention professionals is rapidly changing to meet the expanding needs of the retail industry. LP...
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