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Tag: loss prevention

Mark Stinde Named Senior Vice President of Asset Protection at JCPenney

Stinde was most recently vice president of asset protection at Dallas-based 7-Eleven.
interview closing statement, interviewer performance

How to Craft a Flawless Interview Closing Statement after an Investigation

A well-crafted statement freezes the moment of the admission or confession, providing the reader a snapshot into the mind of the guilty party.
manufacturer to retailer

From Manufacturer to Retailer: Product Protection Is Everyone’s Job

Solutions to address theft and loss are often led from the retailer side of the partnership, but manufacturers do face responsibilities when it comes to product protection. From manufacturer to retailer, product protection is everyone's job.

Solutions Snapshot: Stanley Security

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
secure cargo

More Fragmented Transportation Networks May Mean Less Secure Cargo

Theft isn't the only source of loss in the supply chain, and the e-commerce environment's increasingly splintered transportation network is causing issues with more far-reaching consequences than revenue loss.
criminal justice gavel handcuffs

When It Comes to Misdemeanor Shoplifting, Criminal Justice Has Left the Building

It is clear that retailers can no longer rely solely on criminal justice to impose proven effective sanctions aimed at reducing repeat offenses for shoplifting offenders. [Sponsored]
Tammy Clark

Interview and Interrogation Training: Don’t Take It Personally

What we have to remember is that it isn't personal. It's not about us. It's not personal to anyone except the individual who was involved in the incident.
active shooter policy, violence prevention strategies, threat management unit

LP Associates Take down Armed Counterfeiter

Nordstrom loss prevention associates tackled and helped police disarm a man who was holding a gun inside the retailer’s Magnificent Mile location, in Chicago,...
Appriss-LP Software logos

Appriss Retail Acquires LP Software to Expand Retail Solutions

Adding the LPMS product line and client base increases Appriss Retail's market leadership.
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