Tag: loss prevention security
Interview and Interrogation Training: The Agitated Interviewer
This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip from the archives has Dave Thompson, CFI, discussing the effect of an interviewer becoming agitated or aggravated during an interview or interrogation.
Shoplifting Penalties Rarely Benefit Retailers These Days
Various factors, including tight budgets, increases in serious crime, and shrinking availability of patrols have affected police procedures and shoplifting penalties.
Interview and Interrogation Training: Rationalize the Motive, Not the Act
In this week’s WZ / IAI interview and interrogation training tip—one of the most popular in the archives—Dave Thompson, CFI, details discussing rationalization with the subjects, and the content of such rationalization.
Working in Loss Prevention Alongside Law Enforcement: Can It Be Done?
For years, there have been those who have questioned whether retail loss prevention and law enforcement can effectively work in partnership with one another. Professionals working in loss prevention have often felt that law enforcement was unconcerned about helping them with their business.
Managing Grocery Store Shrink Begins with Problem Identification
One question I have been asked frequently is, “How did you know how to battle retail shrink in the grocery business, especially considering your...
Interview and Interrogation Training: The Walk to the Interview Room
Sometimes we forget about that all-important time frame and all the things that could go wrong during that two- to five-minute walk. Are we properly preparing our business partners on what to do or say during that conversation?
Interview and Interrogation Training: Seeking Feedback
Often, experienced and confident interviewers tend to ask for less feedback over time. The more interviews they have conducted, the less feedback they request. That's a dangerous combination.
Interview and Interrogation Training: Have You Evolved—Implicit Promises
Interviewers often make an implicit promise or suggestion of leniency, without actually realizing what they're saying. Think about the risks that come along with your go-to lines or phrases.
Interview and Interrogation Training: Have You Evolved—Change of Perspective
Simply put, change of perspective is to allow the subject to see the situation from a decision-maker's point of view. Even though somebody has done something wrong, there are still two different ways to handle that situation: talk about it, or continue to lie about that happening.
Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – May 2018
We are pleased to recognize and congratulate industry leaders who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedules, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading credential.