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Tag: loss prevention policy and procedures

reduce shrinkage

Rethinking Loss Prevention and Shrink Management

The pace of change in the retail industry has accelerated dramatically over the past few years. The move to online shopping, emergence of mobile...

Watch Trends to Plan for the Future

Nobody can predict the future. We can look backward and at the present. We can hear about and see certain things that are already...

Making a Murderer Appellate Attorneys Agree to Speak at RLPSA Annual Conference

In December 2015, Netflix debuted Making a Murderer, a 10-part documentary series about Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man convicted of sexual assault in 1985,...
retail data analytics


Without consciously realizing it, and certainly without having made a conscious decision to pursue it, we as a society find ourselves living in a...

Outplaced: Committing Loss Prevention Suicide?

This year I will turn sixty-six years old and intend to retire after over thirty-six years in academia, including thirty-three years at the University...

EMV: Not the End of Fraud, But a Helpful Tool

Fraud and cyber security have never been more on the forefront of asset protection professionals' list of things that keep them up at night...

Changing Roles and Challenges in Loss Prevention

Interviewee Bios Stacie Bearden Director of Asset Protection, Field The Home Depot Bearden is responsible for the field organization's theft and fraud including Home Depot's organized retail crime...

How a Public-Private Partnership Can Change Community Policing

How can the quality of the law enforcement services provided not be impacted during these hard economic times? For the Albuquerque (NM) Police Department,...
information security policy, fraud with credit cards

LP101: Identity Theft

Identity theft involves the unauthorized or illegal use of key elements of another individual’s personal information (social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, birth dates,...
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