Tag: asset protection
Interview and Interrogation Training: Developing a Behavioral Norm
In this week’s WZ / IAI interview and interrogation training tip, Dave Thompson, CFI provides for us the importance of establishing a baseline or...
FireKing Announces TSIA Field Services Certification of Excellence
FireKing Security Group recently announced that its Field Services Group was recognized as a Certified Support Staff Excellence Center by The Technology Services Industry...
People on the Move: December 2015
Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals it may mean reaching...
Mobile Payments: The New Retail Revolution
There has been much written over the past several years about the new connected consumer. Pressure on retailers may never be greater to deliver...
Retail Alarm Monitoring—In-House Or Third Party?
Those of us who have been loss prevention professionals for any length of time can likely share some horror stories about experiences with national...
eBay’s PROACT Team Assists DA’s Office in Employee Arrest
In an surprise turn-of-events, an employee of Coatesville, PA, based Witmer Public Safety Group who was being investigated for watching porn on his computer...
Interview and Interrogation Training: Attitudes and Biases
In this week’s WZ / IAI interview and interrogation training tip, Dave Thompson, CFI discusses the potential issue that interviewers can possess regarding an...
Increasing Control and Transparency for Businesses Truly Concerned with Security Performance and Billing Accuracy...
Imagine trying to drive your car without a speedometer, an odometer, or a gas gauge. How would you know how fast you're driving, how...
International Organized Retail Crime Summit Held in Florida
Organized retail crime prevention recently took on an international flavor when Tyco Retail Solutions hosted the International Organized Retail Crime Summit 2015 at their...
Second US-Mexico LP Summit Shares Best Practices on Retail Security and Loss Prevention Strategies
Nearly thirty retail executives representing nine Mexican and US retailers gathered at the Sheraton Santa Fe hotel in Mexico City October 13-14 to share...