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Tag: asset protection specialist

Integrating Data to Maximize LP Effectiveness

Integrating Data to Maximize LP Effectiveness

Which areas in your company have the greatest shrinkage reduction opportunities? Is there data that loss prevention can use to help determine the root causes...
loss prevention skills

Serving Up Security in the Chain Restaurant Industry

EDITORS NOTE: Gene James is director of assetprotection for Jack in the Box, where he is responsiblefor safety and security for nearly 1,600 quick-servicerestaurants...
Loss Prevention Technology

Hot Products—Protecting Our Best Stuff

Think about it, much of our merchandise is occasionally purchased or lost. But some items just seem to fly out of the store. Recent research in the United...

From Retail Sales to LP Management

EDITORS NOTE: Frank Johns is vicepresident of loss prevention for OfficeDepot, a $13 billion office supplyretailer with more than 950 stores, 22 delivery centers,...

Weathering the Perfect Storm

Despite consolidation and narrowing margins, retailing is healthier now than it has been in many years. It is also true that retailers are doing more...

An Academic Approach to LP

EDITOR’S NOTE: Richard C. Hollinger, Ph.D. is a professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is...

Retail Leadership Redefining the IMRA

EDITORS NOTE: Sandy Kennedy is president of the newly renamed Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), formerly International Mass Retail Association (IMRA). She came to...
The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

EDITORS NOTE:Rosamaria Sostilio is vice president of asset protection for Saks Fifth Avenue. She manages the corporate and field organizations and is responsible for...
Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

EDITORS NOTE:Dan Faketty is vice president of loss prevention at Harris Teeter, an upscale grocery chain with 143 stores operating in six southeastern states....
What’s Ahead in Technology in 2003?

Whats Ahead in Technology in 2003?

In the mid- to late-1990s, great strides in computer and telecommunications technology gave rise to an array of cutting-edge security solutions in all areas...
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