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LPM Podcast


Role of the Retail Council of Canada with Rui Rodrigues | Ep. 76

Veteran retail executive Rui Rodrigues, now a consultant with the RCC, explains how they work to leverage collaboration between retailers, police, and government.

Identifying and Dismantling ORC Networks | Ep. 75

Finding and following trails of money as it flows through legal and illegal channels is critical to identify the network, build the case, and ultimately dismantle the ORC operation.

2 Cents on 2 Things with the LPF’s Terry Sullivan | Ep. 74

In this extra special episode of LPM’s 2 Cents on 2 Things podcast, Kevin McMenimen speaks with Terry Sullivan, president of the Loss Prevention Foundation.

There’s More to ORC with Homeland Security | Ep. 72

As Homeland Security Investigations helps to lead the fight against ORC, retailers are partnering with HSI and a network of government agencies supporting ORC investigators.

Preparing for Safe Stores in ORC Storms | Ep. 71

With retailers being assaulted by ORC gangs who smash-and-grab their way through the store, what are retailers doing to collaborate and help support safety in stores and across store teams?
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Money Laundering Expert Explains Following the Money | Ep. 70

Kevin McMenimen speaks with Senior Director of Anti-Money Laundering Lauren Kohr and Project Coordinator and Researcher Tiffany Polyak with the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS).

Part 2 of LPM’s Podcast With FMI’s Doug Baker | Ep. 68

In the second part of LPM’s podcast with FMI Vice President of Industry Relations Doug Baker, he speaks about FMI’s upcoming conference—the first since January 2020!

An Update on FMI with VP of Industry Relations Doug Baker | Ep. 67

Baker discusses the work that FMI has done to keep the food industry afloat throughout the challenges of the pandemic, including developing educational guides.

Part 2 of LPM’s Podcast with Raul Aguilar of Homeland Security | Ep. 66

In this episode of LPM’s Take 10 limited series podcast, Kevin McMenimen speaks with Deputy Assistant Director of Homeland Security Investigations Raul Aguilar for the second time.

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