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Loss Prevention


NRF Reports Retail Shrink Is a $100B Problem

Retail shrink, when taken as a percentage of total retail sales in 2021, accounted for $94.5 billion in losses last year, up from $90.8 billion in 2020, according to the 2022 National Retail Security Survey.

Partners in International Crime Fighting Cook up Collaborative Approaches to Risk

In a world where we have too much on our individual plates, there has never been a more critical time for collaboration, diplomacy, and international co-operation.

Mark Stinde Announced as New Chairman of LPF Board of Directors

The Loss Prevention Foundation Board of Directors announced that, with the retirement of Frank Johns, LPC, new industry leaders have been appointed to fill the vacancies on the board and Executive Committee.

What Should You Look for in a Solution Provider Partner? | Ep. 82

While every successful leader understands the need for growth and the ability to adapt, it’s just as important that we take the necessary steps to use the right innovations. This is where our solution provider partners become invaluable.

How the Retail Council of Canada Leverages Collaboration

Rui Rodrigues, executive advisor of loss prevention and risk management for the Retail Council of Canada (RCC), explains how they leverage collaboration between retailers, police, and the crown.
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Sarah Hix Discusses Her 20 Years With Home Depot

The asset protection team at Home Depot has been dealing with a whole slate of evolving challenges in recent years. Here, Sarah Hix details her process.

Is Retail Crime Out of Control? Part 2

In part two of this series on retail crime, we profile the criminals and their preferences, explore retail crime scenarios with inflation and a potential recession, and more.

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