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Amazon Announces Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange

Amazon has announced the new Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange (ACX), an industry collaboration designed to make it safer to shop online and more difficult for counterfeiters to move among different stores to attempt to sell their counterfeit goods.

All About ISCPO

The International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO) is a non-profit professional association that connects members from a wide array of sectors across the global supply chain to promote a collaborative effort of networking, benchmarking, and resource development for security professionals across the global supply chain.

ISCPO’s Global Security Conference Returns

Hosted at the 7-Eleven Store Support Center in Irving, Texas April 11-13, this conference is a great opportunity to learn some key best practices in the global supply chain security realm and collaborate with other professionals to find unique solutions all while staying in front of the ever-changing landscape that is the supply chain. 

LPM Regional Town Hall Debut a Success

On April 11, LPM went on the road with education and provided networking opportunities as well with its first Regional Town Hall, just outside of Dallas, Texas. 

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: April 8-14

LP Officer Punches Woman in the Face at Ohio Target | Whole Foods Closes San Fran Store Over Employee Safety Concerns | Man Offers $100 to Attack Shoplifting Witness, 2 People Accept
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RCC Calls on Alberta Minister of Safety to Join the Retail Crime Discussion

This past week, the Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and its member security experts joined a comprehensive discussion with Hon. Mike Ellis, Alberta’s minister of safety, on the alarming issues related to retail safety and security.

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: April 1-7

Philadelphia DA Asks for $7M to Tackle Retail Theft | Burglars Cut Through Wall to Access Apple Store | Brands Flock to Chicago Court in War on Internet Counterfeiters

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