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The Continuing Battle of Fitting Room Theft in a World of Increasing Privacy Concerns

When it comes to fitting room shoplifting, it’s impossible to accurately gauge the total loss. However, the anonymity provided is still the shoplifter’s best friend. But changing privacy and surveillance laws are making it more and more difficult to combat fitting room thefts. Consider this partial list of suggested LP tactics.

The New Generation of Loss Prevention: Are We On The Same Page?

The goal of the LPM 2019 survey is to provide an objective window into the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of loss prevention professionals at all levels of leadership regarding key issues that effect the safety and shrink performance in retail operations. The results will help see where field and corporate viewpoints agree and, more importantly, where they diverge that may require reexamination of our communications and training programs.

Are Retail Flash Mob Robberies Really Organized Retail Crime?

Based on their very nature, flash mob robberies are hard to prevent. But it’s critical that all retailers train their employees to be aware and alert to the possibility, to not engage the mob in any way, to concentrate on remembering descriptions of perpetrators and vehicles, and to call the police as soon as it’s safe. Here are 10 ways to protect employees and customers in a flash mob event.

The Impact of Implicit Bias in Professional Investigations

Because unconscious bias is present in society, investigators must observe the importance of their word choices as a critical factor in the establishment of their objectivity in criminal investigations. Mike Bowers, CFI examines the potential impact of two sets of keywords as perceived by a jury.

What’s in the Mind of a Retail Shoplifter? How Do We Scientifically Change It?

The Loss Prevention Retail Council recently launched it's latest initiate called LPRC Innovate. LPM contributor Tony D'Onofrio was there and provides details on his latest blog post. He also summaries two LPRC research surveys. One on self-checkout theft and a second on theft by opioid-abuse offenders.
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LPM Magpie Awards: John Tabor, Excellence in Partnerships and Community Service

The LPM “Magpie” Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law...

More Retailers Are Training on Violence Prevention. But Is It Sufficient? Effective?

At a keynote presentation at NRF Protect last month, a panel of industry leaders was shown data that 65 percent of retailers provide active shooter training and was asked—why aren’t we at 100 percent? Check out the 12 core elements that should be in any training program, plus questions you should ask to assess training providers.

Thought and Gesture: Part 2

We discussed some of the geographic differences when using gestures in other cultures in our last column. We also touched on the differences between...

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