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LPM Magpie Awards: Sean Sportun, Excellence in Leadership

“Becoming a leader takes a special skill set. It’s more than just managing the team. You need to know how to treat people—leading by example, taking ownership and responsibility for your actions, and being an effective communicator and a good listener. This approach will make people want to work with you rather than just for you.”

9 Current Trends in the Ever-Evolving Retail Business

We have heard for years that brick and mortar retail is dead or dying as we know it. Well, forecasters must not have gotten that message. Multiple forecasts predict holiday sales and overall 2019 sales will grow significantly over 2018. It doesn’t look like retail is dead or dying, but it is rapidly changing and evolving to keep up with consumers needs and changing habits.

In Memoriam: Larry Yeager

The retail asset protection industry lost one of its most interesting and popular people with the recent passing of Larry Yeager, referred to by many as “the Mayor of Alpha.” His legacy is the impressive array of positive character traits he possessed, and the larger-than-life way that he impacted the people around him. Here is a remembrance from many who knew him best.

Analytics Has Never Been a Four-Letter Word in Loss Prevention

Analytics has always been a critical aspect of loss prevention and retail. We could never survive as businesses—or as professionals—without the use of analytics. Yet while the use of data analytics has made huge strides with the help of today’s technology, we can never afford to lose sight of just how important it is to everything that we do.

3 Ways Carriers Can Demonstrate Competency in Maintaining Cargo Integrity

Businesses moving goods through their supply chains have two choices: transport it themselves or outsource it. While the decision to outsource is usually a no-brainer, the challenge for loss prevention professionals becomes how to best manage to this risk without increasing costs beyond operational savings. There are usually three basic qualifiers to be considered “competent” or low risk by your clients.
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Inside the ORC-Opioid Connection

Quiz an LP investigator about trends in ORC, and it’s nearly certain that he or she will mention the opioid crisis, the fact that...

The Potential Challenges of Cryptocurrency in Retail

It will take time for traditional industries like retail to weigh the benefits and challenges of cryptocurrency. In the end, if retailers want to win over the 7.1 million active bitcoin users, they will have to take steps on their own to accommodate these consumers.

W-Z Video: Challenging Evidence in the Interview

I'm Dave Thompson, CFI and today I want to talk about the importance of challenging your evidence during the investigation before you ever conduct...

Solution Provider Sales Strategies: What Sets One Company Apart from the Rest?

What does it take to be a true solutions partner? How do they go about approaching their business partners and establishing the foundation for real and lasting solutions—and relationships—with their loss prevention customers? For perspective and input, LPM turned to executive leadership from three leading companies to discuss some common themes.

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