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Read Hayes, PhD, CPP

Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP is a research scientist at the University of Florida, and the director of the industry group Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC). The University of Florida Crime Prevention Research Team conducts research to provide organizations with improved crime and loss-control methods. The independent LPRC was founded by ten major retail chains in 2000 to help improve their loss prevention results using scientific research. Dr. Hayes has spoken at over 100 conferences, and is the author of over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, 150 magazine articles, and four top-selling books. Dr. Hayes is a criminology graduate of the University of Florida, as well as Leicester University in the UK.


Signature Alerts Help Deter Offenders to Minimize Losses

The sooner we know we have a problem, the better. And with tech sensors continually improving, we’re more capable than ever at deterring or disrupting a bad actor to minimize the damage they can do because we more rapidly know we have an issue.

To Detain or Not to Detain

Apprehension may or may not generate general and specific deterrence with some people. Detention can shame the offender or at least convince them to not try that crime again. Non-detention risks sending the message to those thieves and others aware of the policy that the store will not physically resist ongoing theft efforts. What does a retailer do?

Chronic versus Acute

It’s always something—literally, retailers are always dealing with something. Retail enterprises are so attractive, complex, dispersed, and crowded, and provide so many opportunities for...

Protective Signage Research Seeks to Determine If Signage Impacts Theft and Customer Behavior

Protective signage is designed to credibly warn offenders that their contemplated criminal act will be quickly detected and seriously responded to. Signage can also prime or reinforce other interventions like CCTV or EAS. But do customers, and more importantly potential offenders, even notice signage and, if so, does it deter theft?

Developing Prioritized Protective Strategies

Stay focused; we hear that a lot. But what should those charged with protecting people and places really fixate on? Criminologist Jerry Ratcliffe stresses...

RESEARCH: How Retailers Actually Use a Bag Searching Policy

Employee theft is a major problem for many employers in the United States, coming in at number two on the list of leading causes of inventory shrinkage (behind shoplifting/ORC), according to the 2018 National Retail Security Survey.
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STUDY: Are Flea Market Products Stolen Goods?

Almost 100 flea markets were randomly selected from a guide of 1,000 locations and visited by our teams to assess the availability, pricing, and condition of a high-loss men’s shaving product as example of flea markets and stolen products activity.

Crime-Place Networks

Crime doesn't just happen; it happens at a place. And as we've discussed, that place, and surrounding places, help explain why the crime occurred....

Opportunity Makes the Crime

"Location, location, location" has been used at least since the 1920s to make the key point about property-value differences. The same goes for sales...

Plan to Win

Every loss prevention and asset protection team puts together some kind of "plan to win." As we've discussed before, there is too much at...

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