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Dick’s Sporting Goods Lays Off 250 Employees after Blaming 23% Drop in Profits on Theft

Dick’s Sporting Goods announced a new "business optimization plan" that includes laying off corporate employees as a result of net income falling 23 percent to $244 million and operating income decreasing 32 percent to around $312 million.

Retail & Hospitality ISAC Announces Agenda for Cyber Intelligence Summit

The RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit is scheduled for October 2-4 in Dallas, Texas, and will explore the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in cyber intelligence.

Tony Sheppard Explains How ORC Became a Billion-Dollar Industry

ThinkLP Senior Director of Loss Prevention and LPM Vendor Advisory Board Member Tony Sheppard was featured in a Newsweek story on Sunday about how organized crime became a billion-dollar industry.
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Webinar On-Demand: Creating a Global Retail Threat Barometer

Watch this now on-demand webinar "Creating a Global Retail Threat Barometer," where they explore the convergence of retail and the possibilities of AI and computer vision.

Tech-Driven Defense: Solutions and Strategies to Help Retailers Stay Ahead of Shrink

In this Sensormatic and LPF webinar, a team of retail professionals discussed their ideas and proactive strategies to tackle hot topic issues such as internal shrink, ORC and return fraud; all while keeping consumer expectations and safety in mind.

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