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Jac Brittain, LPC

Jacque “Jac” Brittain, LPC is editorial director for LP Magazine, the premier news and educational publication for the loss prevention/asset protection professional. Brittain also currently serves as director of learning design and certification for the Loss Prevention Foundation. Prior to joining the magazine, he served as a director of learning design and certification for a leading e-learning platform where his responsibilities included design, development, and implementation of award winning e-learning content. In this role he also managed the development of the loss prevention industry’s only internationally sanctioned LP credentials—the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) courses in collaboration with the Loss Prevention Foundation. Brittain previously served as vice president of operations for the largest executive search and consulting firm in the nation specializing in the retail loss prevention industry. Partnering with company leadership across the country, the primary mission involved the identification, evaluation, and assessment of our nation’s best loss prevention professionals to secure talent in key positions nationwide. In his forty years in the loss prevention industry, Brittain has worked in various retail formats; holding positions with increasing responsibilities while helping build and enhance many different programs across the country. His diverse background provides a rich but unique perspective on the industry and the loss prevention community.


New LPQ COHORT Review Session Schedule Available Now

There are three modules in the LPQ Course, and each module has its own scheduled review session. The review sessions are designed to help reinforce the learning material in each module and help prepare candidates for the LPQ exam.

Tony Sheppard Receives LPM Founders’ Award for Excellence in Partnerships

The ability to influence change is a product of drive, creativity, and determination. Join us as we recognize Tony Sheppard for his Excellence in Partnerships.

Webinar On-Demand: ORC March Madness 2024: An ORCAS in Action Webinar

In this webinar now on-demand, ORCAs in Action, the coalition of the nation’s organized retail crime associations, will hold the latest in a series of virtual conferences, features the latest in a series of presentations highlighting the exceptional work being accomplished across the country in the ongoing battle against organized retail crime.

Chicago Area Detectives Investigate ORC Group of Romani Travelers

In this article, read about how detectives in the Chicagoland area investigated a case of Romani travelers who believe they have been blessed with the “divine right” to steal.
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LPM Survey: Storefront Security and Emergency Response

How are break-ins and related concerns impacting the retail business? Help us find out by participating in our survey on storefront security and emergency response.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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