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Garett Seivold

Garett Seivold is senior writer for LP Magazine. He is a trained journalist who has been covering corporate security for industry professionals for over twenty years. Seivold has been recognized by several organizations for outstanding writing, investigative reporting, and instructional journalism. He has authored dozens of survey-based research reports and best-practice manuals on security-related topics. Seivold can be reached at GarettS (at) LPportal (dot) com.


Listen Up: Internet Chatter Can Be Extremely Important

Mindless though most Internet chatter is, paying attention to what is being said online has become critical for retailers today—to protect brands, avert threats, respond to crisis, and improve store operations. Most recently—and dramatically—the imperative was underscored when multiple active shooter plots against retailers were averted after threatening online posts came to light.

11 Recommendations from Experts to Advance Your LP Career

Loss prevention practitioners hoping to boost their careers were confronted with an uncomfortable truth at a recent industry conference. All that good work you’re doing? It’s probably not enough. What helps get you noticed at the beginning of your career won’t help nearly as much as your career progresses.

Show You Care: 3 Steps to a Better Investigation Process

Retail workers need to hear the message—frequently—that their company cares about them. Employment law experts, speaking at recent national security conferences, suggested three steps to reduce the likelihood that retail workers will feel that you ignored or mismanaged their complaints.

Technology and Tips to Help Retailers Address the Unique Risks of Lone Workers

Convenience store cashiers, security guards, overnight stockers, and even some warehouse employees present special security and safety issues that experts say are often overlooked. Here is a comprehensive look at assessing the risks for remote or solitary workers, some technology solutions, and best practices from security leaders and safety experts.

Analytics Is Not Just a Numbers Game in Investigations

The extent to which retail investigations have been transformed by analytics is a good reflection of just how quickly things move in a technology age. LP execs from Bloomingdale’s, Safeway, Home Depot, Designer Brands, Best Buy, and Walmart weigh in on the evolution of investigations.

Ready or Not? Tips for Improving and Maintaining Crisis Management Programs

What should retailers be doing to prepare for the next disaster? Coming off a year of devastating weather events in which just one of the many hurricanes was estimated to have cost retailers $700 million, it’s not a surprise that the topic was in focus at the NRF Protect conference in June where executives from Target and Disney Stores shared how they are getting ready for future disaster events.
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More Retailers Are Training on Violence Prevention. But Is It Sufficient? Effective?

At a keynote presentation at NRF Protect last month, a panel of industry leaders was shown data that 65 percent of retailers provide active shooter training and was asked—why aren’t we at 100 percent? Check out the 12 core elements that should be in any training program, plus questions you should ask to assess training providers.

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