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Tony Sheppard Receives LPM Founders’ Award for Excellence in Partnerships

The LPM Founders’ Awards, formerly “Magpie Awards,” recognize the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession. The ability to influence change is a product of drive, creativity, and determination, but it also requires a unique ability to create a shared vision that others will respect and support. Each of the recipients reflects that standard of excellence, representing the quality and spirit of leadership that makes a difference in our lives, our people, and our programs. Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our latest honorees.

“Relationships are critical to success in any leadership role,” says Sheppard. “You must be willing to compromise and look for common ground. Don’t be shy about speaking up, but be thoughtful—don’t feel like you must be the most vocal on every topic. I also believe trust is the most important quality we hold. You need to deliver on your commitments, which includes being honest about what you cannot deliver. Set expectations early in the relationship to avoid frustrations later.”

After serving four years in the Army, Sheppard entered the field as a part-time store detective while attending college. He worked for several retailers early in his career, taking on both traditional LP positions as well as roles in operations and logistics. As he climbed the ranks, he eventually moved into a position managing ORC investigations, where he spent about half his career before taking on his current role as a solution provider. “While performance is always important, I never shied away from tough roles, or those outside of traditional LP,” he says. “That, along with never asking anything of my teams that I wouldn’t take on myself has led to many critical life lessons.”

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Sheppard is also vocal about our growth as a profession. “I’m proud of our industry and all that we’ve accomplished,” he says. “We’ve come a long way since my early days, and there are many to call upon that we can thank for this progress. While there are too many names and organizations to name, we truly stand on the shoulders of those who came before us—and so many we work with today. Loss prevention is now a true profession, and we’ve earned a seat at the executive table. Be a part of that example and keep up the good fight!”

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