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Tag: wz

The Underlying Reasons for False Confessions

In this video, Keith Zupec, CFI, spotlights the underlying reasons for false confessions and strategies an investigator can take to avoid them.  

Building Rapport in Interviews

In this video, Amanda Weaver, CFI, PHR discusses how to build mutual trust and understanding with an interview subject.

Overcoming Resistance in Interviews

In this video, Sam Reichman, CFI, focuses on sources of resistance and how to manage them during an interview.

Planning and Preparing for Investigative Interviews

In this video, WZ's Chris Norris, CFI, shares tips about the planning and preparation phase of an investigative interview.

Interviewing a Hostile, Suicidal Subject

LPM is partnering with Wicklander-Zulawksi to share their interviewing expertise in a new series, WZ's Instructor Insights. In this video, Wayne Hoover, CFI, discusses lessons you can learn when interviewing a hostile, suicidal subject.

Elite Training Days Coming October 24-25

Investigative interviewing is rewarding yet challenging for professional investigators. The Elite Training Days conference is here to help.

Mistakes Made in the ORC Interview

Interviewing those that are suspected members of an organized retail crime ring requires a strategic approach and preparation. These conversations may vary in context, taking place in a variety of locations.

The Effective Interviewer: Not a One Size Fits All Approach

Read how interviewing strategy approaches differ from person to person, and how methods that investigators use will vary.

WZ Strengthens Its Commitment to Evidence-Based Training

Wicklander-Zulawski and Associates has announced a focused strategy on its commitment to providing evidence-based curriculum at a high quality of professional standards to investigators across the globe.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Five Types of Lies

When trying to obtain the truth from a dishonest employee or other interview, we typically see five types of lies. Here they are.
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