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Tag: shrinkage

Solving Multiple-Suspect Thefts

Solving Multiple-Suspect Thefts

Early in my career, I investigated many multiple-suspect thefts with a less than satisfactory case resolution. Not being able to identify the primary culprit...
Stopping Theft with the Click of a Mouse

Stopping Theft with the Click of a Mouse

Detecting internal theft at JCPenney has leap-frogged into the 21st century. Just five years ago, attempting to identify possible fraudulent refunds meant that every...
Improving Home Improvement Shrinkage

Improving Home Improvement Shrinkage

E D I T O R : Your title is vice president of loss prevention, safety, and hazmat. That entails a lot. Give us...
Refund Fraud and Abuse

Retail Refund Fraud and Abuse

In almost every neighborhood, at least one resident is known for “renting” merchandise from stores. Some refund abusers have purchased ticket guns to reattach...
Shrinkage Control, in-store audit

Operational Shrink in Retail: There’s More to LP than Preventing Theft

Since its inception in 1993, the Lowe’s Companies loss prevention and safety department has tailored its programs to identify and respond to losses that...
Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

Changing the Loss Prevention Culture in Food Retailing

EDITORS NOTE:Dan Faketty is vice president of loss prevention at Harris Teeter, an upscale grocery chain with 143 stores operating in six southeastern states....
What’s Ahead in Technology in 2003?

Whats Ahead in Technology in 2003?

In the mid- to late-1990s, great strides in computer and telecommunications technology gave rise to an array of cutting-edge security solutions in all areas...
What Shoplifters Say about Stopping Shoplifting

What Shoplifters Say about Stopping Shoplifting

With all the advances in security measures, FBI Crime Index statistics show shoplifting offenses were up 13.3 percent in 1999 compared to 15 years ago. This...
RFID: The Future of Supply-Chain Management

RFID: The Future of Supply-Chain Management

Imagine a microchip the size of a grain of salt attached to every single manufactured product in the supply chain. Every can of soda,...
Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Outsourcing Options in Specialty Loss Prevention

Over the past two years, several specialty retailers including Stride Rite, Wilsons Leather, and Fredrick’s of Hollywood have made the decision to outsource their...
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