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Tag: Shopping

Consumers Will Spend Nearly $900 to Celebrate the Winter Holidays 

Those celebrating the winter holidays expect to spend $875 on average on gifts, decorations, food, and other key seasonal items.

Retail Sales Grew in September, But Core Year-Over-Year Gains Are Slowing

Retail sales continued to grow in September even as consumers faced continuing economic pressures, according to the NRF.
back to school shopping survey

Back-to-School Shopping Expected to Reach Record Levels

Back-to-school spending is expected to reach an unparalleled $41.5 billion, up from $36.9 billion last year and the previous high of $37.1 billion in 2021. Back-to-college spending is expected to hit $94 billion, about $20 billion more than last year’s record.

Sensormatic Solutions Shares Annual Holiday Traffic Analysis

Sensormatic Solutions, a global retail solutions portfolio of Johnson Controls, has released its annual in-store traffic recap for the 2022 holiday season.

The Department of Homeland Security Releases Consumer Shopping Guide

Just in time for the holidays, The Department of Homeland Security has released a Consumer Shopping Guide to in holiday shopping efforts.
Black Friday shoppers

Record 196.7M Consumers Shopped Over Thanksgiving Weekend

A record 196.7 million Americans shopped in stores and online during the five-day holiday shopping period from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday.

Record 166.3M Shoppers Expected During Thanksgiving Weekend

An estimated 166.3 million people are planning to shop from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday this year, according to the annual survey released by the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Prosper Insights & Analytics.

Halloween Spending Returns to Pre-Pandemic Levels

Participation in Halloween-related activities will resume to pre-pandemic levels, with 69 percent of consumers planning to celebrate the holiday this year, up from 65 percent in 2021

FTC Warns of Back-to-School Shopping Scams

Back-to-school season can be stressful for many kids and their parents—especially with online school shopping scams.

Plastic Bag Ban Leads to Theft of Shopping Baskets in New Jersey

New Jersey’s plastic bag ban is leading to rampant theft of shopping baskets at grocery stores in the state.
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