Tag: shoplifting
Loss Prevention Devices for High-End, Interactive Consumer Electronics
For retailers of high-end consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, e-readers, drones, digital cameras, and fitness watches, the customer’s retail experience can be just...
What Is Loss Prevention Today?
EDITOR'S NOTE: This interview is with three long-time loss prevention industry veterans. One is a retailer, one is a solutions provider, and one started...
How Might Your LP Operation Benefit from Retail’s RFID Revolution?
Loss prevention executives are contending with a slew of challenges—budgetary pressures chief among them—yet there is reason for optimism.
Stop Theft by Shoplifting: Two Ways to Influence Potential Offenders
The following describes a cornerstone theory of judgment and decision making that has tremendously important implications in loss prevention. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM)...