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Tag: shoplifting

Police Shooting of Alleged Shoplifter at Retailer Justified

The Hudson County Prosecutor's Office has ruled that a Kearny, New Jersey police officer was justified in shooting a suspected shoplifter as the man...
active shooter drills

Expansive Active Shooter Drills Aren’t the Only Option for Assessing Readiness

Active shooter drills seem more necessary than ever, but they are immense undertakings and require substantial attention to detail if they are to yield...
workplace violence

10 Successful Strategies for Mitigating and Managing Workplace Violence Threats

Loss prevention and retail executives’ careers are dramatically altered when workplace violence impacts their business. The loss of human life, coupled with the loss...
Shopping Mall Security Guard, security retail

Shopping Mall Security and LP

Shopping mall security is not a replacement for retail loss prevention programs. Mall security and LP have supporting missions, but they’re different missions. A diagram...
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