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Tag: shoplifting

shoplifting crime

How Store Environments Affect Shoplifting Crime

Here’s how one shoplifter assesses risk. “First things first—you want to know if they got what you want. The second factor is the risk involvement. The risk involvement will be security times cameras times employees times space times [other] customers."

WATCH: Video Shows Intense Moment Shoplift Suspect Shoots at Police

Now, new information is coming to light about the Albuquerque man now in custody, including previous run-ins he's had with police. Police said they...

Two Shoplifting Suspects in Custody after Police Chase, Fiery Crash, Shooting

Two people suspected of shoplifting were in custody Wednesday evening after a multi-agency chase down Interstate 75 from Cleveland, Tennessee, ended in a fiery...

WATCH: Wild Video Shows Shoplifting Suspect Ramming Police Cars

A supermarket shoplifting suspect in California was at large Tuesday afternoon after leading Glendale police on a brief chase, in which he rammed patrol...
apprehending shoplifters, california shoplifting

When Apprehending Shoplifters, Excessive Force is Never an Option

As part of a 2015 civil lawsuit, an Omaha jury ordered a discount store to pay Richard "Dave" Moore, who was convicted of shoplifting from the retail store, $750,000 for injuries he received from a loss prevention officer.

Employee Stabs Teenager over Attempted Shoplifting

The NYPD says a CVS employee stabbed a teenager who police say was shoplifting Friday afternoon. The 18-year-old and his friend allegedly tried to...
open-source intelligence techniques

How to Employ Open-Source Intelligence Techniques to Close ORC Cases

Contributing Writer Garett Seivold examines the practice of using open-source intelligence (OSINT) in criminal investigations in a feature article for the latest issue of LPM Online.
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