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Tag: shoplifting


Apple Store Robberies on the Rise – but Are Thieves in for a Surprise?

Groups of technology bandits are targeting Apple stores in a growing number of grab-and-run burglaries. Thieves have hit more than a dozen of the...

Officer in ‘Critical Condition’ after Shooting by Shoplifter

A Georgia police officer shot in the line of duty has managed to mouth "I love you" to his wife, according to the local...

WATCH: Good Samaritan Knocks out 350-Pound Shoplifting Suspect with One Punch

A stranger walked up and knocked out a 350-pound California shoplifting suspect with one punch, video shows. Store employees tried to confront Jose Prado...
bloomingdale's loss prevention

A Lifetime of Learning

EDITOR'S NOTE: Chad McIntosh is the vice president of loss prevention and risk management for Bloomingdale's. He has more than forty years of loss...
human trafficking

How ORC Fuels Human Trafficking

What comes to mind when you think of organized retail crime? High-shrink items with high-resell values, such as razors and baby formula - not human trafficking.

Why Do People Steal?

Interviewing active shoplifters is the most interesting part of my job. For an hour, I speak as seldom as I can. Instead, I listen...

Brawl between Employee, Suspected Shoplifter Turns Bloody

A suspect ended up in a bloody brawl after a reported shoplifting incident in Santa Barbara, California, Tuesday. Witnesses say it initially occurred at...
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