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Tag: shoplifting

shoplifting and theft

Prevent Shoplifting and Theft with…Music?

In one experiment, Barry Manilow music was broadcast through loudspeakers located in a local parking lot every night between 9 pm and midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
warehouse inventory loss

Significant Inventory Loss Requires Perspective

Throughout my career, I've investigated numerous significant increases in shortage on a multi-store level. In each case, the cause was traced to the distribution process.
workplace theft prevention

The Moral, Societal, and Legal Obligation for Workplace Theft Prevention

At first, this may seem like an issue that involves only the retailer. However, the decision to ignore generally accepted cash and merchandise controls has far-reaching implications.
iPhone apps smartphone

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up – March 2018

The notorious Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was convicted on ten separate federal counts, including narcotics trafficking.
money bills cash

Loss Prevention Manager Convicted in Theft of $230K from Store

An Oregon woman was convicted of theft for stealing thousand of dollars from a Fred Meyer store. Yesterday, a jury convicted a loss prevention...

Video Released of Cop Hit by Car While Chasing Shoplift Suspect

Updating a post that we brought to you in Friday's LPM Weekly, the identity of the Boynton Beach police officer hit by an SUV while...
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