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Tag: shoplifter

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NASP Adds Mike Lamb and Mark Stinde to Advisory Committee

Continuing its 30th anniversary celebration and ongoing revitalization, NASP has recently announced the second expansion of its Advisory Committee with the addition of two industry thought leaders.
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting is often viewed by professionals and amateur thieves as a low-risk versus high-reward business. As experts have documented, many shops and stores do not do enough to dissuade the rational criminal, who scans every environment for an opportunity.
Police Press Conference

Shoplifter Killed in Oklahoma Shooting Identified

The man killed Saturday night has been identified, the Del City police said. Gabriel Lane Carter, 25, was killed after a struggle with a...
what happens if you get caught shoplifting

What Happens If You Get Caught Shoplifting? Well, It Varies.

Examples of the ways in which retailers today respond to criminal behavior are found throughout a feature article by Walter E. Palmer, CFI, CFE, and Jacque Brittain, LPC, who produced the piece for the January-February 2019 issue of LP Magazine.

Shoplifter Shot by Retired Police Officer

A retired police officer was arrested Saturday after a shooting outside of a Home Depot store in Riverside, California. It started when a man...
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