Tag: risk management
Getting Ready for the Expanding Scope of Retail Security
Security risks associated with retail operations expand as stores get back into business as pandemic closures and mandates ease.
Sustainability Is All the Rage in Retail. Where Does LP Fit In?
A hot topic at NRF 2020 in January, sustainability may be the most fashionable retail business trend going—at least prior to the coronavirus crisis....
FifthTheory Introduces Biosafety Assessment to Bolster COVID-19 Workplace Safety Strategies
The world is clearly facing an unprecedented challenge with the coronavirus pandemic crisis, including when it will be feasible to reopen economies across the...
A Long and Winding Road: LP Looks to Help Better Control the Supply Chain
A well-managed supply chain—one that mitigates security risks—is essential to a successful retail operation. But control is put to the test as the supply chain expands, morphs, and becomes increasingly intricate. LP executives are getting involved.
The Dynamic, Challenging, Innovative World of Risk Management
In an exclusive interview, LPM Executive Editor Jim Lee speaks with Kurt Leisure, vice president of risk services for The Cheesecake Factory. Leisure, who is responsible for risk management, insurance claims, safety, and loss prevention, provides valuable, wide-ranging insights on these important retail industry topics.