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Tag: retail security

cke restaurants holdings

CKE Restaurants Holdings’ New Director of AP Shares His Journey

Paul Jones' industry longevity and varied professional experiences have given him a singular perspective on the evolution of retail security.
burglary prevention

Burglary Prevention Tactics from Retail Security Experts

"The goal is to delay an aggressor’s access as long as possible, ideally to the point of response,” said Sean Ahrens, CPP, asset protection consultant and security market group leader at AEI.

Four Added to LP Magazine Editorial Board

LP Magazine has recently added four new members to its editorial board: Paul Jones, Hank Siemers, Paul Stone, and Pamela Velose. The magazine's editorial board, along with its vendor advisory board, plays a fundamental role in the LPM community.
loss prevention executive

How to Sell Your Proposal to a Senior Loss Prevention Executive

While it would be impossible to give an exact formula for success in every company and project, it is reasonable to explore a framework that can be used to increase our chance at getting our proposal approved and implemented.

Checkpoint Systems and Impinj Team to Create First ARC-Qualified RFID Inlay for the Impinj...

Checkpoint Systems and Impinj, Inc. , a leading provider and pioneer of RAIN RFID solutions, recently announced that Checkpoint has created the first Auburn...

Safely into the Night

After hearing loss prevention leaders describe recent efforts to enhance the security of their stores after closing, it becomes immediately clear that the long,...
women in loss prevention

Women of Loss Prevention

As we reported in our recent May-June edition, the Women of Loss Prevention survey, sponsored by Tyco Retail Solutions and Protos Security, offered a...

The Future of Integrated Systems and IoT Is the Future of Retail

There is a lot of talk in retail about the store of the future—when it will be here, what it will look like, and how it might influence customer interactions in ways both recognizable and not. Post sponsored by Axis Communications.
retail security solutions

Execs Reveal Their Top Retail Security Solutions and Strategies

Sometimes, new retail security solutions or strategies cut costs far beyond what LP was thinking would happen. In other cases, cost savings disappoint. A national study by SDR/LPM looked at this expectation gap.
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