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Tag: retail security

Appriss logo

Solutions Snapshot: Appriss Retail

To give retailers the competitive edge they need, Appriss Retail developed a cloud-based data integration platform that pulls data from all sources within the retail organization.
Loss Prevention Foundation LPF logo

LPF Announces Strategic Partnership with the University of Florida

The Loss Prevention Foundation has recently announced a new partnership with the University of Florida that aims to benefit UF students and the loss prevention/asset protection community.

Solutions Snapshot: Stanley Security

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting is often viewed by professionals and amateur thieves as a low-risk versus high-reward business. As experts have documented, many shops and stores do not do enough to dissuade the rational criminal, who scans every environment for an opportunity.
shoplifting prevention techniques

Safeguard Marketing and Other Unorthodox Shoplifting Prevention Techniques

Marketing and loss prevention have always been intertwined, but the effort to forge a closer bond with shoppers could further enmesh the two functions.
conducting telephone interviews, remote interview

The Remote Interview: When Do You Need the Human Touch?

Conducting suspect interviews remotely is an attractive cost-sensitive solution that has become increasingly commonplace, according to a trainer who has taught thousands of retail security personnel on interview and interrogation techniques.

Retailers Warned to Plan for Panic

In November 2017, on Black Friday on Britain's busiest street, the "sound of gunfire and explosions" created a panic among Christmas shoppers convinced the city was under a terror attack. Dozens of people were hurt in the ensuing stampede.
how do you calculate roi

How Do You Calculate ROI in Retail?

At some point in your retail loss prevention career, if you haven’t done so already, you will be called upon to help make procurement decisions on new technology, such as electronic article surveillance (EAS) or video surveillance.
organized retail crime associations

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Shoplifting and Organized Retail Crime Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers were most interested in posts about organized retail crime associations, offender perspectives on self-checkout theft, and the latest research on loss prevention analytics applications.
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