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Tag: retail security

Supply-Chain Asset Protection Exec Maurizio Scrofani Takes Leading Role with GRUPO ALTO’s US Organization

One of the retail industry’s leading supply-chain and asset protection executives, Maurizio Scrofani, LPC, CCSP, has been appointed vice president with ALTO US. In...
retail asset protection

From Security to Loss Prevention to Retail Asset Protection to Profit Enhancement

The retail loss prevention industry has seen a pronounced evolution through the years. It is very different today than in the past, and it will...

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 3

Here we are at the third and final installment of the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I had indicated in the first...
Copyright Leigh Prather, Adobe Stock

Integrating Retail, Social Media, and Incarceration Data with Artificial Intelligence for Next-Gen Threat Prevention...

Retail security professionals are continually striving to fend off threats. They face a never-ending battle. A solution is implemented only to have offenders circumvent...

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 2

Welcome to the second of three installments covering the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I hope you enjoyed the first part in...

Should You Pay for Security Technology the Same Way You Pay for Theft?

Discussions of changes in retail security technology typically revolve around enhanced functionality and the latest bells and whistles. But there is another way in which loss prevention technology is evolving—the manner by which retailers pay for it.

USS Partners For IMPACT

USS, a retail security solution provider, recently sponsored and exhibit in the Loss Prevention Research Council’s (LPRC) 2016 LPRC Impact event, October 9 and...
employee theft statistics

Wages, Employee Performance and Retail Industry Trends: Looking at Walmart’s New Approach

Following an important topic that has been widely discussed throughout 2016, recent retail industry trends have explored the relationship between wage increases and the...

A Candid Conversation with LP Magazine’s Executive Editor

James “Jim” Lee is the executive editor and cofounder of LP Magazine. Lee has more than 30 years’ experience as a retail security and...
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