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Tag: retail loss prevention

NRF ORC Survey

The NRF 2016 Organized Retail Crime Survey Currently Under Way

Did you know that Organized Retail Crime costs the retail industry approximately $30 billion each year? Are you a retail loss prevention decision maker? If...
retail anti-theft devices

Preventing Shoplifting by Amplifying Risk

What’s the best way to discourage a thief? Retailers regularly take advantage of expert consultants and the latest technological solutions to protect their merchandise....
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: July 2016

Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals it may mean reaching...
Stored-Value Card Fraud—A House of Cards?

Stored-Value Card Fraud—A House of Cards?

Okay, I know that there is stored-value card fraud in the world. I have read most every survey on dishonesty that ever finds its...

2016 National Retail Security Survey Key Findings

The 2016 National Retail Security Survey (NRSS) based on 2015 data from retailers was released at the recent National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT Conference...
retail anti-theft devices

Amplifying Risk in Retail Stores

A new report from the ECR Community’s Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group titled Amplifying Risk in Retail Stores offers a comprehensive review of the...

Increase ROI and Uncover Issues through Video-Based Operations Audits

Sponsored by March Networks Throughout my career in retail loss prevention, I’ve seen some pretty outrageous behavior captured on surveillance video. From performance and productivity...
retail theft ring shoplifting, security in shopping malls. catching shoplifters, prop 47

ORC Investigator Training

When the ORC team at Limited Brands was dealing with sophisticated criminals in 2007, it became clear that we needed talented loss prevention professionals...

Loss Prevention Technology That’s Expanding Our Video Solutions

Sponsored by BSI Technology has changed the face of retail in many ways in recent years. From the way that we shop and purchase goods...
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