Tag: retail industry
“It’s All Cool”—Starting Loss Prevention for a Hot Brand at Oakley Retail Stores
A conversation with Maggie Newton is fast moving, informative, fun, and asymmetric. Upon reflection, this is not surprising, because it seems to mirror what her employer, Oakley, Inc., is...
Mall Security and LP—Communication Is the Watchword
With people's focus drawn to the economy, they are naturally looking around for something to laugh at, and mall security is handy. But security...
Yeah! High-Energy LP at Abercrombie & Fitch
EDITORS NOTE: Dennis Klein isvice president of loss preventionfor Abercrombie & Fitch where heis responsible for asset protectionand safety throughout the1,046-store specialty apparelchain. His...
Through the Eyes of the Guest – Asset Protection at Gordmans
Successful asset protection and store security programs are never “tone deaf.” This means that the most effective programs are shaped, managed, and refined over time to reflect...
Targeting Return and Other Retail Fraud
Since opening its first store in 1962, Target has set itself apart from other discount retailers by differentiating itself as a design leader with fresh and...
Better Security. Better Safety. Papa Johns.
EDITORS NOTE: David Rydeen iscurrently the national director ofsafety and security for Papa JohnsInternational. Over the past twelveyears, he has held several positionsin the...
Deterring Loss with Humility and Respect
EDITORS NOTE: PaulStone is vice president ofasset protection and riskmanagement at Best Buybased in Minneapolis.Stone started his lossprevention career asa store detective forJCPenney. He...
Considerations for Evaluating EAS Source-Tagging Programs
While electronic article surveillance (EAS) has become pervasive in the US retail market, there are still a large number of retailers that have yet...
Loss Prevention Certification: Building Talent for the Future
profession pr -fe-sh nn: a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as...
Loss Prevention Certification
Profession pr -fe-sh nn: a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as...