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Tag: retail industry

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: August 26 – Sept. 1

3 Killed in Racially Motivated Dollar General Shooting | Orange County DA Threatens to 'Throw the Book At' Thieves | How Best Buy Is Winning the War Against Retail Theft

57% of Grocers Increasing Their Tech Spending in Next 18 Months

In this article, learn more about grocer expectations on tech spending, according to the new Grocery Technology Trends Study.

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: August 19 – 25

Flash Mobs Hit More Retail Stores in California | NRF CEO Discusses Rise in ORC on CNBC's Squawk Box | 25 Suspects Nabbed in Portland Retail Theft Crackdown

Webinar On-Demand: Creating a Global Retail Threat Barometer

Watch this now on-demand webinar "Creating a Global Retail Threat Barometer," where they explore the convergence of retail and the possibilities of AI and computer vision.

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: August 12 – 18

The New Yorker Explores What Happens to All the Stuff We Return | Oaklawn Employee Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Almost $200K in Cash | Police Seize $650K in Counterfeit Merchandise from Arlington Warehouse

Tech-Driven Defense: Solutions and Strategies to Help Retailers Stay Ahead of Shrink

In this Sensormatic and LPF webinar, a team of retail professionals discussed their ideas and proactive strategies to tackle hot topic issues such as internal shrink, ORC and return fraud; all while keeping consumer expectations and safety in mind.

Webinar On-Demand: Extending Threat Awareness Beyond Store Entry

Watch Flock Safety's webinar on-demand on the value of expanding your retail security footprint, and how LPR makes a difference.

Webinar On-Demand: Learn How Communities Cut Shoplifting by 40%

Watch LVT, the LPRC, and ACCESS retail and law enforcement participants in the webinar on-demand as the LPF presents the findings of this study, including:

The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: August 5 – 11

$300K Worth of Product Stolen from Yves Saint Laurent Store | Florida Officials Announce Arrests in Retail Theft Ring | Retailers Say ORC Is Biting into Profits, but Internal Issues May Be to Blame

Shooter Detection Systems Announces Partnership with Hanwha Vision

Shooter Detection Systems (SDS) announced it has integrated its technologies with Hanwha Vision.
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