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Tag: php inventory management

The Year Ahead in LP

These are clearly turbulent times in retail. How people shop is changing—and with it the strategies employed to attract and retain customers. Store technology...
Sears asset protection

Building an Organization around Data and Technology

EDITORS NOTE: Scott Glenn, JD, LPC, is the chief security officer for Sears Holdings where he is responsible for asset and profit protection, safety...

Certification Has Tremendous Benefits for Law Enforcement

Mitzi Perry, LPQ, has been an investigator at the St. Petersburg (Florida) Police Department since 1999. In 2001, she was assigned to the auto...

USS’ Annual KickOff and Sales Training Serves as Running Start for 2017

Each year, USS holds its annual KickOff event, which combines a company-wide meeting with specialized sales training and planning sessions over the course of...
retail asset protection

From Security to Loss Prevention to Retail Asset Protection to Profit Enhancement

The retail loss prevention industry has seen a pronounced evolution through the years. It is very different today than in the past, and it will...
lp magazine

Recapping Fifteen Years of LP Magazine

Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine (now LP Magazine) since its inception in 2001. Now, as the...

Crime Accountability Partnership Program Saves Resources and Changes Lives

Created by Turning Point Justice (TPJ) and the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), the Crime Accountability Partnership Program has not only saved communities...
store detective

From Store Detective to Director of AP: Scott Ziter

Scott Ziter currently serves as the director of asset protection for Price Chopper, a supermarket chain based out of Schenectady, NY. He has been...
retail theft ring shoplifting, security in shopping malls. catching shoplifters, prop 47

Security in Shopping Malls: 7 Tips for Law Enforcement

While some of the tools of organized retail crime and methods of operation continue to evolve with the changes in technology and dynamics of...
security systems for retail stores

Using Fact-Based Research to Test Loss Prevention Equipment

Are you in charge of your company's technology budget? How do you know whether the new loss prevention equipment you've just rolled out in...
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