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Tag: organized retail crime

los angeles crime

Retail Crime in Los Angeles

"Crime is up." "How should I protect my employees and customers from increasing violence?" "More and more shoplifting incidents escalate into physical assaults." Comments or...

LPM Insider Survey Results: Public Misunderstands ORC’s Role as a Gateway Crime

Organized retail crime and the dramatic growth of ORC incidents have drawn significant attention both within the loss prevention industry and throughout the retail...

Tyco Retail Solutions to Showcase Sensormatic Shrink Management as a Service at 2018 RILA...

Tyco Retail Solutions will showcase its Sensormatic Shrink Management as a Service (SMaaS) at the 2018 RILA Retail Asset Protection Conference, April 29–May 2,...

LPM Insider Survey: What Is the Greatest Public Misperception of ORC?

Organized retail crime and the dramatic growth of ORC incidents have drawn significant attention both within the loss prevention industry and throughout the retail...
Professional Development, loss prevention personnel

People on the Move: April 2018 Loss Prevention Personnel Transitions

CONGRATULATIONS to the 67 movers and shakers this month! Check out our new headshot feature and feel free to submit your photo if your name is on the list.
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