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Tag: organized retail crime

WATCH: Grab-and-Run Theft Hits Apple Store Again; Good Samaritan Assaulted

The recent spate of Apple Store robberies has continued, as five men stole iPhones and iPads valued at $29,000 from an Apple Store in...

Thieves Steal $17,000 in Yoga Pants [Viral Video]

Police in Northern California are looking for a trio of women who they say walked out of an athletics wear store in Fresno with...

LPM Excellence Recognizes Chris Duke for Community Service

"It's not easy for any of us to balance all of the many priorities that we have in our lives," said Duke. "But once you're engaged in something that you're truly passionate about—something that's in your heart and you truly believe in—you find the time."

LAPD Officer Fired Bullet that Killed Store Manager During Weekend Standoff

In Monday's LPM Insider we brought you information  about a stand off / shoot out with police in a Los Angles Trader Joe’s. The...

Four People Facing Gift Card Fraud Charges; $35K in ORC

Four people are facing charges of organized retail crime and identity theft at various Bay area and Central Florida JCPenney stores. Three of the...

LPM Excellence Recognizes Jim Carr for Leadership

Carr believes that true leadership requires a dedication beyond the limits of our basic skills and abilities. The capability to be flexible, adaptable, and open-minded heightens our career potential.
what is a loss prevention manager

What Is a Loss Prevention Manager?

To the average consumer, a loss prevention manager might once have been perceived as a “security guard”: a reactionary presence in a retail establishment whose primary responsibility is to apprehend shoplifters.
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